
You can make it,

if you really try!
Yeah I did stay at home for today, 'cause I couldn't sleep again and my eyes really hurt :/ God I am tired and I just want to sleep but somehow I just can't!
I went to doctor for anemia today, was there for 3 hours, they took my blood from my finger, and then they took it from my hand as well and again 3 test tubes >.<
In the end the doctor said I'll have to eat meat or I'll have to eat pills.
I guess tomorrow I'm really going back in school. I don't want to :/ I want holidays haha :D well I guess I'll have to wait for a bit more...

1 komentar:

  1. As in artistic way, very cool picute, but its too big so it gets a bit fogy, kill the pixless, small it down and its will look fantastic.

    Keep it up like this... :D
